Guangzhou announces results of the bike-sharing service quality assessment

The third quarter 2018 guangzhou Internet bike rental enterprise service quality assessment results were released by the guangzhou municipal commission of transport on Thursday. Mobai scores 70.29 points, ofo scores 68.87 points (including 61.61 points and 62.92 points in the first and second quarters, and ofo scores 62.78 points and 61.52 points respectively in the first and second quarters).
The reporter understands from the SEC, guangzhou Internet rental bicycle enterprise service quality evaluation is a quarterly rolling forward, this quarter’s performance targets are almost consistent with the previous quarter, SEC, ChengGuanWei, evaluation unit for city traffic police detachment of public security and the three levels of government administration, such as the district, street, involved nine administrative region, including yuexiu district, liwan district, zhuhai, baiyun district, tianhe district, huangpu district, panyu district, the district, the nansha area. In addition, huadu district and conghua district are not included in this assessment because there are few vehicles put into operation at present.
Judging from the score rate of the single assessment index of the platform enterprises, according to the ratio of single score to the total score (score rate), the score of the cycling insurance purchase is higher, while the score of the user’s violation of regulations is lower. Besides these two indicators, the scores of other indicators are between 50% and 80%.
Among them, the operating enterprise related work better with 9 (points won more than 70%), respectively, for the vehicle technical performance, cycling insurance purchases, safe production system, the user fund safety degree, the contact mechanism, emergency response mechanism and emergency response, vehicles on the inventory management, reduce smoke hydrophobic bikes and information sharing, various enterprises in the third quarter, management and information sharing in the emergency response mechanism, such as work have greatly improved.
There were 3 items with low scores (scoring rate less than 60%), which were the management of no-stop zones, order of dispatching and transferring, and monitoring mechanism of users’ illegal cycling, indicating that management of no-stop zones, order of dispatching and operation, and supervision of users’ illegal cycling are still the main problems existing in the operation and management of Internet bike rental at present.
In addition, these two enterprises actively carried out the positive publicity and guidance of “ride in compliance with regulations and park in an orderly way”, which was highly concerned by the media and the public, and achieved good social response. Therefore, they were rewarded with 2 extra points. guangzhou massage
, said an official with the guangzhou address associated combination evaluation score three times this year and the management of field supervision feedback, two enterprises in the implementation of the management main body responsibility, improve operational management system has a certain improvement, especially in the case of reduce vehicle stock, can be used to implement according to the established plan. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the three aspects of parking order management, vehicle scheduling and cleaning, and recovery of damaged and worn vehicles, which affect the traffic and the city’s appearance and reflect the public complaints. Next, the municipal commission of transport will urge enterprises to make special rectification for the problems exposed in this examination. At the same time, further improve the follow-up application of the assessment results, strengthen the management guiding role of assessment, and promote the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of the industry. guangzhou escort

