Public hospitals in Guangzhou to adjust the price of medical services

Guangzhou area public hospital charge will usher in adjustment again. A few days ago, Guangzhou Development and Reform Commission official website to adjust the price of public hospitals basic medical services draft. According to the draft, the central government, the province, the military, the armed police in Guangzhouundefineds public hospital, and Guangzhouundefineds municipal and district public hospitals, which include primary medical and health institutions (township health centers), Village health stations and community health services) since December 29, 2018, the total cancellation of medical consumables addition, the simultaneous adjustment of medical service prices. The reporter found that the price of inspection items and the basic examination fees, bed fees, anesthesia expenses, etc., remained basically unchanged, the fees for traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine items were not adjusted, and the nursing costs were slightly increased. The cost of interventional therapy and surgical treatment was significantly increased. The price summary of basic medical services in public hospitals in Guangzhou is not adjusted for non-operative clinical items, including comprehensive medical services, medical technical diagnosis and treatment, clinical diagnosis and treatment, Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine four categories of four categories a total of more than 5000 charging services. For the public feeling more obvious outpatient consultation fee, this price adjustment remains unchanged, tertiary public hospitals general outpatient service is still 10 yuan, emergency consultation fee is 21 yuan. The highest fee of expert outpatient consultation is 80 yuan, including 30 yuan for chief physician and 20 yuan for deputy chief physician. The price of clinical diagnosis and treatment services examined by technical means did not increase much. For example, CT scan and MR, B ultrasound kept the price unchanged. In addition, the general medical services of hospitals at all levels, including medical examination fee, bed fee, ambulance fee, consultation fee and so on, are basically unchanged, while the nursing costs are slightly increased. 22 out of 25 items of general examination and treatment were slightly increased. The cost of intervention and surgery has been increased and the consumable cost has been cancelled, which makes room for the price increase of medical service items that reflect the value of medical personnel. The reporter found that the price adjustment, non-surgical diagnosis and treatment items most of the price remains unchanged or small adjustment, and intervention treatment and surgical treatment costs are significantly increased. Interventional therapy includes 6 items of vein, artery, portal vein, heart, coronary artery and cerebrovascular intervention. Among them, intervention therapy of congenital heart disease increased from 3380 yuan to 5408 yuan, percutaneous arterial stenting from 2210 yuan to 2431 yuan, percutaneous balloon angioplasty from 1950 yuan to 2145 yuan. Surgical treatment includes 16 three-level operations, such as anesthesia, nervous system, and so on. Among them, anesthesia, eye surgery, female reproductive system surgery increased the price by a small margin, while the nervous system, endocrine system,  guangzhou massage nasopharynx, respiratory system, cardiovascular system surgery and other types of surgery prices were significantly increased. For example, in the heart valve and septal surgery category of tertiary public hospitals, the price range for 28 medical items is mostly in the range of 5000 yuan to 7000 yuan each time. After the adjustment, 24 items are charged between 9000 yuan and 13000 yuan each time. The price list for this consultation also includes a summary of the prices of basic medical services for children under 6 years of age in public hospitals in Guangzhou, with a total of more than 400 items. Among them, the general fees for diagnosis and treatment in primary medical and health institutions and rural health stations, the fees for general out-patient visits, and the fees for emergency consultations remain unchanged, and the cost of anesthesia has not been adjusted, and the intensive care and nursing categories, The charge for injection infusion items increased slightly. guangzhou escort

